The children put on talent shows that included singing, dancing & playing instruments. We were lucky that our judges were very generous with their comments and marks. In fact everyone who took part got through to the next round.
We have been amazed to have had a robin visit our garden every day this week. We have enjoyed hearing him sing & watch him fly and hop around.
The wind has helped bring the leaves off the trees which children have used to make collages and add as ingredients to the mud kitchen. The weather didn't deter the children from making kites, playing hide and seek, looking for bugs, building sand castles, horn blowing, fighting dragons, rescuing cats and going on a train journeys.
Other interests have included looking at "dinosaur bones", which led onto doing the skeleton dance, reading the Gruffalo story with puppets, interior design, building ramps for cars and trains, writing our names on the new whiteboard & colour matching jigsaw.
We rounded off the week by joining in with our Harvest Festival Service where children were encouraged to give ideas about what we should say thank you for (cuddly toys & Grandma's dog).