First week back after the Christmas break and the children have eased back into Noah's Ark life by expressing their varied interests:
lots of mark making either with paints, pencils or felt tips, colouring in the Mallard steam engine, drawing Superheroes, making kites.
Building bridges using wooden blocks & milk crates, creating obstacle courses, going on a bear hunt, catching/throwing balls, digging in the mud kitchen, watching in the cold air what happens when we breathe out. Requests for the slide to be put out.
Role-play included a pantomime, having babies in hospital, jungle rescue, looking after baby Jesus, Lion ,Witch & the Wardrobe, talking about Christmas, making birthday cakes using play dough & match sticks.
Singing rhymes and playing musical instruments.
On the computer the children have chosen games that included colouring, counting numbers & the alphabet .
Shapes have been another point of interest with children using tap-a-shape, dinosaur jigsaw, community wooden bricks, Russian doll & shape sorter boxes.
adult activity included making snow dough (flour & oil) on the tuff tray & exploring the texture.