Another busy week, enjoying the sunshine
Mud kitchen-making cakes, soup, adding "secret ingredients" (rose petals). Pretending they're serving at McDonalds.
Various ways of moving-balancing (walk the plank),using stilts.
Balancing wooden blocks using big and small sizes -inside and outdoors
Role-play included Ninja warriors, builders, hospitals, babies (looking after them & having them), going into space on a rocket to visit planets, escaping erupting lava flows from volcanoes.
Market stall - adult suggestion
Mark making-using chalk (depicting family figures), mixing paint
Alphabet stencils.
Adult support given with scissor control, safety aspects, resolving conflicts, catching/throwing beanbags.
Adult focus activities:
Music-using a didgeridoo following on from children's interests in sounds changing
Drawing pictures and writing own names
Volcano - we mixed our "chemicals" to make the volcano erupt
Scissor control