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Making their mark

Writer's picture: VickieVickie

Children's interests have included:

Pretending to be Police Officers which led onto making walkie-talkies. Further role-play included Doctors & patients, being dogs, fixing vehicles in the garage, mum's, dad's and big sisters and hairdressers. Children carried on interest in playing shops selling fruit and vegetables

Craft area & building area saw children experimenting with corn-flour, painting runways, building model aeroplanes/trains, building rockets, bumper cars, using wooden blocks to make runways & towers.

Children played monster snap card game and animal dominoes, taking turns and sharing

Mark making included drawing chalk pictures in the rain, footprints in the wet sand & drawing around people's feet. Drawing train engines. Using patterned rollers and train wheels to make patterns & mixing colours on the paper

Couple of wet days saw children trying to catch the rain in buckets and also splashing in puddles.

Other interests:

Marble-run, computer games, Lego, magnetic blocks

Adult focuses/support included:

Using kitchen scales to weigh compare bears. How many did you need; modelling language of size and weight.

Model how to hold scissors, give support with holding and snipping

Marble paintings:Mixing paint using plastic bottles, paint & marble. Shake well!

Making stretchy dough

Making chocolate playdo which in turn supported role-play in the Chocolate Shop

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